Chicken with Herbes

Duchess Magda made this for a B3R Lilies party a long time ago, and it’s one of my favorites. Because the cilantro is cooked, it’s not nearly as soapy for someone like me. She told me it was originally from Cariadoc, and as far as I can tell is an adaptation from a medieval Andalusian cookbook.

Green Chicken
20 lb chicken thighs (boneless/skinless)
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
4 onions, finely chopped
5 bunches cilantro, finely chopped
Salt & Pepper
1 cup oil

Mix together onions, cilantro, salt, pepper and oil. Toss the chicken into the mix and let sit for a few hours. Put the whole kibosh in a pot and cook over moderate heat until the chicken is cooked through – no browning. Moisture will reduce and the meat should be thoroughly cooked and green.