Cheese buns

So reib ain gar gúten kesß barmisan, thú ain geriben semelbrot darein, bis er gar tick wirt, darnach schlag air darain, bis es ain feins taiglin wirt, darnach mach rúnde kigellen wie die briete kiechlen jn derselben gressin vnd lasß langsam bachen, so send sý gemacht.

So grate a good parmesan cheese, then grate bread into it, until thick. After that, add eggs into it until it is a dough, after that make rounded balls, how you would size steamed buns, and then fry slowly, so they are ready.

1 c gf breadcrumbs
1 grated parmesan
1 egg

Preheat oil to 325. Mix cheese and breadcrumbs with enough water that it sticks together, barely. Add egg. Roll into golfball sized balls. Fry for 6 min or until golden