Galen’s Shortbread

My friend Galen gave me this recipe when he moved to DC several years ago, and I couldn’t beg him to make it for me anymore.

Shortbread cookies
Take 5 sticks of unsalted butter and soften it in a bowl. The more you soften it the easier it will be to mix, but the longer it will have to cool before cutting. Use your best judgment. Mix in 2 and 1/2 cups of brown sugar and 3 and 1/2 cups of flour. Mix thoroughly. The better it is mixed the better the consistency when finished. Spread evenly into a walled cookie sheet. Pre-heat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit, and cook for approximately 20 Minutes. Time may vary depending on oven. 20-30 minutes is a good rule of thumb, but I’d watch it after 20 until it has reached a shade of “golden brown” that you find pleasing. Then remove it from the oven and let it stand at least 10-15 minutes before cutting.

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